WPF and WinForms app do not appear when running in Visual Studio

WPF and WinForms app do not appear when running in Visual Studio

Product: PowerShell Pro Tools for Visual Studio
Version: Any
When running a PowerShell WPF or WinForm script, the script will start but it will not show the window at all. 
1. When running a WPF form, ensure that the file that is active is the xaml.ps1 file and not the xaml file. Since the XAML file does not contain executable code, you cannot start it. Run the PS1 file instead. 
2. When running a WPF form, you may need to load the WPF framework in order to start the form. Add: [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("PresentationFramework") as the first line in the script. 
2. When running either a WPF or WinForm script, the script may start but no form will appear. Sometimes, the form will appear behind Visual Studio. Minimize Visual Studio to see if the form is running behind the editor. 
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