KB0060 - Running Side-By-Side PowerShell Universal Instances
The purpose of this document is to outline how to run side-by-side instances of PowerShell Universal on the same machine. These instances will have their own configuration settings and port. This can be useful for testing between versions.
- PowerShell Universal v3 and v4
- Microsoft Windows
1. Download the PowerShell Universal ZIP archive and extract to a location on your machine (such as C:\PSU).
2. Create a configuration directory for each PSU instance. For example:
- New-Item -ItemType Directory C:\PSUData\PSU1
- New-Item -ItemType Directory C:\PSUData\PSU2
3. Copy the appsettings.json file from the application directory to the data directories.
- Copy-Item C:\PSU\appsettings.json C:\PSUData\PSU1
- Copy-Item C:\PSU\appsettings.json C:\PSUData\PSU2
4. Adjust the paths in the appsettings.json file to be unique to each instance.
- {
- "SystemLogPath": "C:\\PSUData\\PSU1\\systemLog.txt",
- "Data": {
- "RepositoryPath": "C:\\PSUData\\PSU1\\Repository",
- "ConnectionString": "filename=C:\\PSUData\\PSU1\\database.db;upgrade=true",
- }
- }
5. Adjust the Kestrel port to be unique for each instance.
- {
- "Kestrel": {
- "Endpoints": {
- "HTTP": {
- "Url": "http://*:5555"
- }
- },
- }
6. Create the services and specify the appropriate appsettings.json files.
- New-Service -Name PSU1 -BinaryPathName "C:\PSU\Universal.Server.exe --service --appsettings C:\PSUData\PSU1\appsettings.json"
- New-Service -Name PSU2 -BinaryPathName "C:\PSU\Universal.Server.exe --service --appsettings C:\PSUData\PSU2\appsettings.json"
7. Start the services.
- Start-Service PSU1
- Start-Serivce PSU2
You will now be able to navigate to two independent PSU services on the same machine.
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