KB0051 - Viewing database contents

KB0051 - Viewing database contents


The purpose of this document is to provide steps for viewing the PowerShell Universal database. 


PowerShell Universal v3 and v4 - LiteDB 

To view the LiteDB database for PowerShell Universal, you can use LiteDB Studio. PowerShell Universal must not be running when accessing the database. The database is stored in %ProgramData%\UniversalAutomation\database.db by default.

PowerShell Universal - SQL

To view a SQL database used by PowerShell Universal, you can use any standard SQL client such as SQL Management Studio or DataGrip. 

PowerShell Universal - SQLite

You can use tools, such as DataGrip, to access the PowerShell Universal SQLite database. The database is stored in %ProgramData%\UniversalAutomation\database.db by default.

PowerShell Universal v2 - LiteDB

To view the LiteDB database for PowerShell Universal, you can use LiteDB Explorer PowerShell Universal must not be running when accessing the database. The database is stored in %ProgramData%\UniversalAutomation\database.db by default.