KB0031 - Environment Not Found Error

KB0031 - Environment Not Found Error


Users that have Git sync enabled may run into an issue where PowerShell Universal reports that an environment was not found. 

Root Cause

The root cause is currently unknown. We are currently investigating this issue. This article will be updated when a patch has been released. 


To work around this issue, you will want to ensure that you have an environments.ps1 file generated in your environment. Click Settings \ Environments in the admin console. Next, click the pencil icon to edit the properties of one of your environments. We suggest changing a setting such as Max Runspaces, saving the setting, editing it again and setting it back to the default value. This will generate an environments.ps1 file in your environment. 
The issue is related to environment auto-discovery in PowerShell Universal. By creating an environments.ps1 file, it will no longer attempt to discover environments. 
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