KB0029 - Out-PSUPipeline not found when using Run As credentials in IIS

KB0029 - Out-PSUPipeline not found when using Run As credentials in IIS


This article applies to users running PowerShell Universal 3.7.12 or later in IIS and attempting to start jobs are alternate user accounts.

Root Cause

PowerShell Universal 3.7.12 sets the environment variables for the Run As user account when starting jobs are alternate accounts. This is necessary to fully load the profile for the target account. This can override the PSModulePath set by PowerShell Universal, and the child process will fail to find the Universal module and thus the Out-PSUPipeline command. 


You can work around this issue by adding the PSU Modules folder path to the System environment variables PSModulePath values. 

For example, if you installed the PSU application files at C:\inetpub\wwwroot\, you would need to include the path C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Modules. 

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