KB0028 - Update the default admin password during startup.
This article applies to users wishing to set the default admin password automatically on startup.
Root Cause
PowerShell Universal creates an admin account during startup if it does not exist. It will set the default password to admin. Some users wish to change this password automatically during startup.
In order to accomplish this, you will need to create an authentication.ps1 file in the .universal folder. Even if you do not use a license, the script will be run. No authentication methods will be configured without a license but you can include this code in order to set your default admin password. Replace `MyPassword` with the password string you would like to use.
$IdentityService = $UniversalClient.GetType().GetProperty('_identityService', [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]::Instance -bor [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]::NonPublic).GetValue($UniversalClient)
$AdminIdentity = $IdentityService.GetOrCreateIdentity("Admin", "Api")
$AdminIdentity.Password = "MyPassword"
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